August 16, 2008

Exasol technical briefing

It took 5 ½ months after my non-technical introduction, but I finally got a briefing from Exasol’s technical folks (specifically, the very helpful Mathias Golombek and Carsten Weidmann). Here are some highlights:

We also talked about concurrency, which is always a confusing subject. Exasol said that to date there were no more than 50 concurrent “log-ins,” which they equate to there being 1000s of named users (because queries execute so quickly). They also say they’ve tested up to 400 concurrent queries internally. I didn’t probe about what they’d do to balance short-running and long-running queries, in part because Exasol gives the impression that on their systems, there is no such thing as a long-running query. But obviously this is all somewhat fuzzy.

In a related point, Exasol says that overall throughput is higher when there is at least a certain number of concurrent users. The supporting evidence offered was, of all things, TPC-H benchmarks. Apparently (I haven’t checked this myself), Exasol (and also ParAccel, which of course has a similar architecture) chose to run the benchmark with more than the minimum number of simultaneous users required. SMP systems, Exasol believes, don’t exhibit similar behavior.

Finally, a couple of less technical highlights:


One Response to “Exasol technical briefing”

  1. Infology.Ru » Blog Archive » Краткое представление технологии Exasol on December 2nd, 2008 2:31 am

    […] Автор: Curt Monash Дата публикации оригинала: 2008-08-16 Перевод: Олег Кузьменко Источник: Блог Курта Монаша […]

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