March 4, 2008

Odd article on Sybase IQ and columnar systems

Intelligent Enterprise has an article on Sybase IQ and columnar systems that leaves me shaking my head. E.g., it ends by saying Netezza has a columnar architecture (uh, no). It also quotes an IBM exec as saying only 10-20% of what matters in a data warehouse DBMS is performance (already an odd claim), and then has him saying columnar only provides a 10% performance gain (let’s be generous and hope that’s a misquote).

Also from the article — and this part seems more credible — is:

“Sybase IQ revenues were up 70% last year,” said Richard Pledereder, VP of engineering. … Sybase now claims 1,200 Sybase IQ customers. It runs large data warehouses powered by big, multiprocessor servers. Priced at $45,000 per CPU, those IQ customers now account for a significant share of Sybase’s revenues, although the company won’t break down revenues by market segment.

Even if most of them run fairly small data marts, or if multiple departments in the same enterprise are counted, 1200 is a non-trivial figure.

Also quoted in the article is a user who:

has been using IQ for both a 10 Tbyte and a 29-35 Tbyte data warehouse at ComScore for 7.5 years,

There is of course no word on how those figures are measured — i.e., whether they’re user data or something else. Last time I checked, IQ stored all the data, plus a bunch of fairly compact indexes on it.

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5 Responses to “Odd article on Sybase IQ and columnar systems”

  1. Roger MacNicol on April 15th, 2008 2:09 pm

    2004 VLDB paper on Sybase IQ:

  2. Steve Price on August 6th, 2008 2:00 am

    Sybase have a stategic agreement with Yellowfin Business Intelligence to bundle both products. Sybase will provide the datamart layer and raw speed and Yellowfin will provide the web based reporting front end. This is expected to be a compelling partnership that will attract new customers to the Sybase IQ technology.

  3. Curt Monash on August 6th, 2008 2:06 am


    I’ll leave your comment up, but it borders on spam, especially since you didn’t clearly identify yourself as being from Yellowfin, whoever they are.


  4. Infology.Ru » Blog Archive » Началась консолидация СУБД для хранилищ данных on September 4th, 2008 10:37 am

    […] Sybase IQ также нельзя не учитывать. […]

  5. Infology.Ru » Blog Archive » Странная статья о Sybase IQ и колоночных СУБД on October 31st, 2008 3:01 pm

    […] Автор: Curt Monash Дата публикации оригинала: 2008-04-04 Источник: Блог Курта Монаша […]

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