January 16, 2008

The blogosphere writes about Sun buying MySQL

More from me soon, but first here is a survey of what other people are saying about Sun’s billion-dollar deal to acquire MySQL:


2 Responses to “The blogosphere writes about Sun buying MySQL”

  1. Daniel Weinreb on January 18th, 2008 6:43 am

    For what it’s worth, the buzz that I usually hear about MySQL is that it was written by a bunch of people who were not experienced in DBMS technology, and as a result is is unreliable when used at production scale. This is as compared to Postgres, which was certainly written by people well-versed in DBMS technology. However, this is all second-hand so don’t make too much of it.

  2. Engagement marketing : Strategic Messaging on February 7th, 2008 11:40 am

    […] admit how long I’d gone without programming until I hacked around a bit in WordPress.) And as Sun’s recent purchase of MySQL illustrates, open source is a very big […]

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